Our Fantasy EPL 22/23 Draft Kit promises to be the most comprehensive set of pre-season Draft Premier League articles ever produced! To add something special to our Preseason offering, we've developed our a unique web app which can be linked to your Fantrax profile. The app gives you live data from your draft, which integrates our Consensus Draft Rankings and 22/23 Season Projections to make your live draft experience easier! Click here for details on how you can access our 22/23 Draft Kit.

Check out our 22/23 Draft Kit for all the pre-season information you would ever need. Draft Rankings, Team Previews, Strategy, Draft 101. We've got it all!!!
Live Draft Aide
The Draft Society has their first dynamic web app! Below, you will find a link to the app that will hopefully help you draft better. It automatically pulls down the data from your league and your draft, so it knows when you're drafting, who was already drafted (and by whom), and who's still left to draft! The goal of the app is to help you draft more easily by automatically showing you who's left with a variety of stats, rankings, and projections per player to help you pick as optimally as possible. It's meant as a companion to your Fantrax Draft Lobby, so have it open as another tab/window as you draft!
Some callouts on the app:
The app will tell you who you have drafted already, the best possible players remaining in each position (by projected WAR, proj PPS, TDS consensus ranking, and more), and how soon you pick.
The app will be updated throughout the month of July with TDS Consensus ranks, up-to-date TDS Season Projections, ADP ,and of course new signings as they happen. More visuals will be added soon as well to show you remaining scarcity by position and how likely players are to remain available before your next pick.

How to Use the Aide
The bare minimum you need to do to use the app properly is click the link below, enter your Fantrax secret ID (which can be found on your user profile page; link provided in-app), and select your desired league. That will automatically load your league's draft data.
If you would like to upload your own rankings into the tool, we have made the CSV upload compatible with 2 types of CSVs: 1) a basic CSV with one column, first row 'Player' and then each proceeding row a player name (from Fantrax) in order of your ranks. The guys at the top of your CSV will become highest ranks and vice versa. 2) OverthinkingFootball's fantastic ranking tool's output! You can upload that and the rankings will switch from the default ranking (projected WAR descending) to your customized ranking.
In order to get up to date data (by the minute or second) during your draft, you should click the refresh button in the app, and it'll recompute who's been taken and who's left. Remember to click the button in the app and not refresh your browser as you'll need to re-enter your secret ID and league if you do. I think the optimal use of this app is clicking the refresh button 1-2 times every round before and after you make your selection.
If you have any questions or run into any issues, DM @DraftLad on Twitter!
In case you're curious how this was done, it involved many hours of software engineering (i.e. coding, both back-end and front-end). The tools used in this project are predominantly Python (to do the data/stats collection and organization) and Streamlit (to build the web-app and display the charts and tables). If you like this one, there's much more useful ones on the way..
Check out The Draft Society's 22/23 Draft Kit for all the draft prep you would ever need! Draft Rankings, Team Previews, Strategy, Draft 101, and so much more!!
For all the latest from The Draft Society, follow @Draft_Society on Twitter!
And for more in-depth and exclusive resources, become a member of The Inner Circle.
